Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Update: I'm Moving!

Busy Busy Busy

Hi guys, sorry long time no see!  Well, like a week no see...but still.  I'm still here and still planning to continue blogging.  The past two weeks has just been a blur.  We've been in a mad scramble to secure a place to live for the next year!  The place we are living right now is a winter rental, meaning that at the end of March if we want to stay, we have to pay summer-time prices which is WAY out of our price range.  We knew this before moving in, but now the new year pushed us into overdrive to find something we like to move into!  After a grueling two weeks or calling this person and calling that realty company, we made a decision on a place and signed the lease last night!  Yay!  So, we are now in a scramble to get our stuff together so that we can move February 1st!  Again, I apologize for my lack of posts and believe me, I miss the interaction with you all!  Thanks for sticking with me and look forward to a race update and some other fun posts I come up with before we move!  :D

Friday, January 3, 2014

Review: LUSH Big Blue Bath Bomb

Another Day, Another Bath

If you follow me in Instagram, you may know that I have been trying not to get sick this week.  For four straight days, I was waking up with a scratchy throat and feeling just plain icky.  With my 5K coming up next weekend and just the sheer fact that I hate getting sick, I knew I needed to do anything I could to nip this thing in the bud.  I went to the store and grabbed some Airborne, I was extra adamant about taking my probiotics, I grab some OJ from the store, etc.  I tried to get some extra garlic in my system by cooking up some super garlicky mushrooms and kale for dinner and burned away the scratchy throat with a hot toddy with extra cayenne pepper.  Okay okay, maybe I overdid it a little bit, but I have to say that I feel FANTASTIC today.  My symptoms never got worse and now I'm all better!

LUSH Big Blue
You can see the seaweed pieces that will hang out in the bath with you!

One thing I did last night that I think really did the job was got in a sweaty workout down in the garage (I was sick of sitting still) and followed that up with a hot bath with a LUSH Big Blue Bath Bomb.  I knew that of the LUSH products that I had to choose from for my "kick this cold's ass bath", I needed to grab this one.  It's a one of LUSH's "Bath Bombs", which is basically a bath fizzy, made of sea salt and has lavender and lemon oil as well as seaweed.  It makes for a super relaxing and might I add beautifully blue bath.  I made sure it was super hot and grab my giant Tervis tumbler filled with iced water and relaxed for a good half hour.  It was perfect.

Sooo fizzy!

It turns your bath a gorgeous blue!

Iced water...sweet nectar of life...

The sea salt in Big Blue draws out the toxins in the body.  Paired with ice water to rehydrate, it's a great way to draw out all of the "ick" if you feel like you're getting sick.  The lavender oil was super relaxing and helped my chill out, since to be honest I have a hard time sitting still for very long in a bath.  LUSH claims that the seaweed "softens and soothes" the skin which I can't say I could really tell was happening, but that's a hard thing to really measure.  One thing that I can say about the seaweed is that if you feel weird about chunks of stuff in your bath, this bath bomb is not for you.  To me, it's fun and I made it a game to gather up as much as I could in my hands (more of a difficult task than you would think...).  

Anyway, Big Blue was a really fun bath bomb.  It is one that I have now had two times and I will purchase it again.  It was especially helpful yesterday since I was looking for a detoxifying bath.  It delivered.

Have you tried Big Blue?
Do you ever take "detox baths"?

Thursday, January 2, 2014

"Would You Rather" Running Version!

"Would You Rather..."

I LOVE these kinds of posts.  Cori at OlivetoRun apparently LOVES "Would You Rather" questions and came up with a running version!  She filled out her answers and challenged her readers to write a post answering the questions as well!  Here we go!

#1. Would you rather run in a thunderstorm or a snowstorm?
I would definitely rather run in a snowstorm.  I am deathly afraid of lightning...I do anything I can to make sure I am grounded and away from any tall objects that could possibly get hit!  I also like running the cold anyway, so as long as I was well dress, I think I would be okay!
#2. Would you rather breathe through your nose or breathe through your mouth?
I would rather breath through my nose.  I hate for my lips to be chapped and breathing through my mouth makes them get chapped that much faster.
#3. Would you rather do 100 squats or 100 crunches? [Now take a break and go do them. ;)]
100 crunches.  No doubt whatsoever.  I HATE squats.  I actually hate leg workouts all-together.  I LOVE ab workouts.
#4. Would you rather have a baked good for dessert or an extra serving of your favorite entree?
Extra serving of my favorite entree.  Ask anyone, and they'll tell you I usually turn down sweets.  However, I love potatoes and cheese, so if the entree involved either of those, I would definitely go for seconds.
#5. Would you rather run on a treadmill for an hour or run around the same street block for an hour?
Around the same street.  Definitely no treadmill. I have an irrational (or maybe not so irrational...) fear of falling off a treadmill.  Street.  Any day.
#6. Would you rather have a headache during a run or a side stitch?
Side stitch.  I hate headaches.  I don't get them very often and I really dislike them.  I can deal with a side stitch.
#7. Would you rather have a rest day on a work day or a day off?
On a work day.  I'm not great about keeping up with workouts when I'm working full time (it's going to be a major struggle this summer when I'm balls to the wall at work), so I love doing workouts on my off days.
#8. Would you rather be a race director or a race volunteer?
Volunteer!  I don't know enough about races to be a director to be honest.  However, if I learned more about them, I do like to be the leader of things, so I would probably rather direct if I was comfortable with it.
#9. Would you rather spend your money on running gadgets [HRM, GPS watch, Headphones] or running shoes?
Shoes.  I've got all of the gadgets I need, but would love to have a bunch of shoes to choose from!
#10. Would you rather run in a relay or do the run portion of a distance triathlon?
I've said it time and time again to my friend that wants to do a triathlon, he can do the swimming and biking and I will run for him.  I stick to this notion.

    Now it's your turn!  Do you have a blog?  Even if not, you could answer the questions perhaps on Facebook!  Enjoy!  Also, be sure to check out Coris original post at Olive to Run